Go directly to DOLE

Dear Mabuhay Chiropractors,

If you haven’t been paid and don’t know what your next step is you can take your case up with the Department of Labor and Employment, DOLE.

All you need to bring is a copy of your labor contract and the emails explaining how you won’t get paid when contractual obligated to.

Tetrault will not pay you when you email him that you need money, he will not pay you because you complain amongst yourselves, he will not pay you because it’s written In a contract he doesn’t care about (duh), and he might not even pay you if you start getting new patients to sign up with your “fantastic” new pricing.

Our “Priced ourselves out of the market sale” is coming in Hot.

He will pay you when he is forced to pay you like he has been forced to pay his doctors in the past. He’s got the money ferreted away somewhere to make payroll.

The other reason for doing this is it sets the legal background to stop this exploitation in other countries. I know Chiropractors who treat the Royal family members in Dubai, they welcome money and capital they do not welcome people who welch on contracts to foreign expert professionals in other countries.

As always if there are any questions feel free to email them to me at:


3 thoughts on “Go directly to DOLE

  1. The end is near, clearly. I’m sure Michelle intends to ride off into the sunset with his horse-faced, lumpy mistress, Cuntabelle, and take the doc’s money with him. Lawyer up, men. Don’t be fools.


  2. Go to DOLE. I did and I won. Many other disgruntled employees working for the Roach organisation have also submitted claims against this pathetic old man and won their cases. I bet his mistress is still getting her money and you deserve yours. DOLE is your way. He will lose the case and you will get your money. Go for it.


  3. I have lived in SE Asia for more than 30 years. Unfortunately this region has attracted many people like Roach Tetrault as there is little regulation of our profession thus allowing crooks like him to thrive. Also most jurisdictions in this part of the world are also grossly corrupt so bribery can get a government worker to turn a blind eye to inequities.
    Fortunately in the Philippines the agency DOLE apparently takes these things seriously so perhaps if enough of you Mabuhay Chiropractors make a complaint, the Roach will get the squashing he deserves.


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